Möbius Transformation from a unit disk to the upper half plane


Consider the unit-disk $\mathbb{D} = \{ z : |z|\leq 1 \}$.

I need to find a Möbius Transformation $w=Tz$ that maps $\mathbb{D}$ to the upper-half plane $\mathbb{H} = \{ w : Im(w) \geq 0\}$.

I have searched and found that the linear fractional transformation $f(z) = \frac{i (1+ z)}{1-z}$ maps $\mathbb{D}$ to $\mathbb{H}$.
But I am not sure about the logic behind how one can come to this result. If any hints could be given, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

Geometrically $\{z\in \Bbb C | \ \ |z+1|=|z-1|\}$ is locus of all $z$ which is equidistant fron $1$ and $-1$, which is nothing but imaginary axis in complex plane.

Whereas $A=\{z\in \Bbb C | \ \ |z+1| \geq |z-1|\}$ is right half plane. $\tag{1}$

Hence the map $f:A \to \Bbb D$ defined as $$z \mapsto \frac{z-1}{z+1}$$ and from $(1)$ we can infer that $f$ is well-defined and is bijective map.

$g:A \to \Bbb H$ defined as $z\mapsto iz$ rotates the right half plane to upper half plane.

Hence the desired map $g\circ f^{-1}: \Bbb D \to \Bbb H$.