$M=\lbrace 4n: n\in\Bbb Z \rbrace$ is a maximal ideal of ring of even integers


To prove: $M=(4)=\lbrace 4n: n\in\Bbb Z \rbrace$ is a maximal ideal of ring of even integers $E$.

Proof. Since $2\notin (4)$, we get $(4)\neq E$. Let $J$ be an ideal of $E$ such that $(4)\subset J$, then there exists an element $x\in J$, but $x\notin (4)$. Consequently, $x=4n+2$ for some integer $n$.

Now, $2=x-4n\in J$, (since $J$ is an ideal). That is, every integral being multiple of $2$ is in $J$. Therefore, $E\subseteq J$. So, $J=E$.

I couldn't justify the line "That is, every integral being multiple of $2$ is in $J$".

Best Answer

Since $2$ is in $J$ and $J$ is an ideal , $2 + 2 + \ldots + 2 = 2n \in J$ by closure for every integer $n$. This means that

every integral being multiple of 2 is in J

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