MIT Integration bee 2023 Regular Season $\int_0^\pi x\sin^4(x)dx$

calculuscontest-mathdefinite integralsintegration

How do I find $$\int_0^\pi x\sin^4xdx$$? This is the 8th question in the MIT integration bee regular season. You could find integrals here. Integration by parts directly is out of question. I thought of substituting $1-\cos^2x=\sin^2x$, but that is just more complicated. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Let $$I=\int_0^\pi x\sin^4x\,\mathrm{d}x$$ substituting $u=\pi-x$ you have: $$I=\int_0^\pi (\pi-x)\sin^4(\pi-x)\mathrm{d}x=\int_0^\pi (\pi-x)\sin^4x\mathrm{d}x=\pi\int_0^\pi \sin^4x\mathrm{d}x-I $$ Hence $$I=\frac{\pi}{2}\int_0^\pi \sin^4x\mathrm{d}x=\frac{3\pi^2}{16}$$