Minimum Value of $x_1^2+y_1^2+x_2^2+y_2^2-2x_1x_2-2y_1y_2$

conic sectionsinequalitymaxima-minima

Minimum Value of$\quad$ $x_1^2+y_1^2+x_2^2+y_2^2-2x_1x_2-2y_1y_2$ subject to condition $x_1,y_1$ and $x_2,y_2$ lies on curve $xy=1$. It is also given that $x_1\gt0$ and $x_2\lt0$

My Approach: $AM\geq GM$


and I obtained minimum value as $6\sqrt[3]{2}$.
But I think this is not correct minimum value as when minimum value will occur $AM=GM$ must satisfy and all number must be equal that is $x_1^2=x_2^2=-2x_1x_2=-2y_1y_2=y_1^2=y_2^2$

From first three relation I obtained that $x_1=-2x_2$ and $x_2=-2x_1$ which cannot be true except for zero.

Is my approach correct?

Best Answer

Applying AM-GM, you have to consider if the equality can hold. If not, you only get a strictly lower bound rather than the minimum.

We may use AM-GM in this way: $$x_1^2 + y_1^2 + x_2^2 + y_2^2 + (- x_1x_2) + (- x_1x_2) + (- y_1 y_2) + (- y_1y_2) \ge 8\sqrt[8]{x_1^4 x_2^4 y_1^4 y_2^4} = 8$$ with equality if $x_1 = y_1 = 1, \ x_2 = y_2 = -1$.

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