Minimum of $a^2+4b^2+c^2$ given $2a+b+3c=20$


If $a,b,c\in\mathbb{R}$ and $2a+b+3c=20.$ Then minimum value of $a^2+4b^2+c^2$ is

what i try

Cauchy schwarz inequality

$$(a^2+(2b)^2+c^2)(2^2+\frac{1}{2^2}+3^2)\geq (2a+b+3c)^2$$

How do i solve it without Cauchy schwarz inequality Help me please

Best Answer

An alternative way of solving the problem is using Lagrange multipliers, other than that (i.e. without using the CS inequality), I don't see a simple solution, and neither do I see a reason to look for such a solution.

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