Minimum number of edges in a cycle in Directed and Undirected graphs

graph theory

I am currently reading about graph theory and came across something that confused me.

Say we have a walk between vertices $x$ and $y$. If vertex $x$ does not equal to vertex $y$ then it is called a path. However, if $x = y$ then it is called a cycle.

What confused me is that there are at least three distinct edge to form a cycle. I understand that it is the case for undirected graph, but why is it also the case for a directed graph. Can't we have $2$ edges to form a cycle?

For example, lets say we have a directed graph with vertices $x,y$ and edges $x\to y$ and $y \to x$. Doesn't this graph form a cycle ?

Best Answer

To tack on to Fuseques' answer that highlights the distinction for simple graphs.

Say we have a walk between vertices $x$ and $y$. If vertex $x$ does not equal to vertex $y$ then it is called a path. However, if $x = y$ then it is called a cycle.

Be a little bit careful with your definitions.

A walk between $2$ vertices $x$ and $y$, commonly referred to as an $xy$-walk, is a sequence of vertices (or vertices and edges, but naming the edges is not necessary) that we can traverse to get from $x$ to $y$. Note that in a walk, edges and vertices can repeat.

A trail is a walk that does not repeat an edge.

A path is a walk that does not repeat vertices (and thus does not repeat edges).

Now some may fuzz this definition a bit to say that that we can have a closed path in order to define cycles. You can see the differences in the way cycles are defined at Wolfram MathWorld and Wikipedia.

A closed walk, i.e. an $xx$-walk is not necessarily a cycle, but a cycle is a closed walk. (See Misha Lavrov's comment).

An example: An example graph.

A walk (in this case closed) would be $1-2-3-4-5-2-3-4-5-2-1$.

A trail would be $1-2-3-4-5-2$.

A path would be $4-3-2-1-6-9-8$.

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