Minimum Elementary row/column transformations to find Inverse of given Matric


While working out some elementary transformation to find Inverse of matrix, it get in my mind,

what is the minimum number of elementary transformations needed to find the inverse of a matrix?

Editor's note: see
Finding the inverse of a matrix by elementary transformations. for the method of elementary transformation

EDIT. Here is a detailed description of the studied issue. We are interested in the inversion of matrices, defined on a field (finite or not), by methods of Gauss type; we know the maximum complexity of these methods. We ask which are the matrices whose inversion requires the complete progress of the algorithm; in particular, do we find ourselves in the worst case almost always?

Best Answer

For another variation on it, here's the finite field case:

For sufficiently large prime powers $q$, there are some matrices in $GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$ that cannot be written as a product of fewer than $n^2$ elementary matrices. This is equivalent to reducing to the identity in fewer than $n$ steps, by the simple process of taking the inverse.

How many elementary matrices are there? $\binom{n}{2}$ row swaps, $n(n-1)(q-1)$ ways to add a multiple of a row to another row, $n(q-2)$ ways to multiply a row by a nontrivial constant, and the identity (we leave that in so that we can pad out shorter sequences). For $n\ge 2$, that's $n^2(q-1)+\frac{n^2-n}{2}-n+1 < n^2q$ total elementary matrices.

Now, a crude estimate. There are less than $(n^2q)^{n^2-1}$ ordered products of $n^2-1$ elementary matrices, and there are $(q^n-1)(q^n-q)\cdots (q^n-q^{n-1}) > q^{n^2}\cdot (1-\frac1q)^n$ invertible matrices. We have $$(n^2q)^{n^2-1} = n^{2n^2-2}q^{n^2-1} = q^{n^2}\cdot \frac{n^{2n^2-2}}{q} \le q^{n^2}\cdot \frac{q-n}{q} < q^{n^2}\cdot \left(1-\frac1q\right)^n$$ as long as $q\ge n+n^{2n^2-2}$ for that critical $\le$ step. As I said, sufficiently large $q$. For $n=2$, this says that any field with at least $66$ elements will require us to use the full four operations to cover everything.

This is a very crude estimate, of course. There are certainly many smaller fields that require all of the steps to reach everything. However, not all fields do. For example, consider $2\times 2$ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_2$. There are six invertible matrices, which form a group isomorphic to $S_3$. There are three elementary matrices other than the identity - the three elements of order $2$ in that group. Every element in the group can be written as a product of one or two of them.