Minimization of Floor and Ceiling Functions


So the problem at hand is:

Find the minimum value of the following function for $ x> 0 $: $$ \def\lc{\left\lceil}
\def\rc{\right\rceil} \newcommand{\floor}[1]{\lfloor #1 \rfloor} x\lc x \rc + \lc \frac{1}{x} \rc + x + \floor{x}x + \floor{\frac{1}{x}} $$

My approach was to set $$ f(x) = \def\lc{\left\lceil}
\def\rc{\right\rceil} \newcommand{\floor}[1]{\lfloor #1 \rfloor} x\lc x \rc + \lc \frac{1}{x} \rc + x + \floor{x}x + \floor{\frac{1}{x}} $$

and then find the minimum using the derivative. I was reading previous Maths SE posts on the derivative of the floor and ceiling functions:

1) What technique should I apply to find the derivative of a ceiling or floor function e.g d/dx(x*⌈x⌉) and d/dx(x*⌊x⌋)?

2) Derivative of floor function

Using these, I was able to find out the derivative of nearly $50\%$ of $ f(x)$ but I am not able to proceed ahead and find the entire derivative. Could someone shed some light on how to approach this problem?

Any other methods would also be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer


  • For $x>0$ the derivative (if it exists) is $f'(x)= \lceil x\rceil + 1 + \lfloor x \rfloor$, which is positive
  • but $f(x)$ and $f'(x)$ have discontinuities at integers and reciprocals of integers
  • you might look at least at values of $f(x)$ when $x \in \left\{\frac13,\frac12,1,2,3\right\}$ and at values in the neighbourhood of these
  • I suspect that $f(x)$ does not in fact have a minimum, but instead a greatest lower bound

$f(x)$ may look something like this where it does have a derivative:

enter image description here

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