Minimal Surface has constant Gaussian Curvature After Conformal Change $\tilde{g}=-Kg$


Question: suppose $M\subset \mathbb{R}^3$ is a minimal surface (mean curvature $H \equiv 0$), show that after conformal change $$\tilde{g}=-Kg$$
the Gaussian curvature $\tilde{K}\equiv 1$

Since $H \equiv 0$ implies $k_1=-k_2$, where $k_1,k_2$ are principal curvature and we assume $k_1\geq k_2$, we get $K=-k_1^2<0$, so $\tilde{g}=-Kg$ is a conformal change indeed.

I try to verify above statement by direct computation via moving frame:

Let $\{\omega^i\},\{\tilde{\omega}^i\}$ be orthogonal coframes, and suppose $g = (\omega^1)^2 + (\omega^2)^2$, and $\tilde{g} = (\tilde{\omega}^1)^2 + (\tilde{\omega}^2)^2$, then $$\tilde{\omega}^i=\sqrt{-K}\omega^i$$ Also, we suppose connection 1-form $\omega_1^2 = p\omega^1+q\omega^2$.

d \tilde{\omega}^1 &= d(\sqrt{-K}\omega^1)=-(\sqrt{-K})_2 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+\sqrt{-K}d\omega^1\\
&=-(\sqrt{-K})_2 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+\sqrt{-K}\omega^2\wedge\omega_2^1\\
&=-(\sqrt{-K})_2 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+p\sqrt{-K} \omega^1\wedge \omega^2

d \tilde{\omega}^2 &= d(\sqrt{-K}\omega^2)=(\sqrt{-K})_1 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+\sqrt{-K}d\omega^2\\
&=(\sqrt{-K})_1 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+\sqrt{-K}\omega^1\wedge\omega_1^2\\
&=(\sqrt{-K})_1 \omega^1 \wedge \omega^2+q\sqrt{-K}\omega^1\wedge\omega^2

where $d(\sqrt{-K})=(\sqrt{-K})_1 \omega^1 + (\sqrt{-K})_2 \omega^2 $.

Then according to structure equation: $d\omega^i=\omega^j\wedge\omega_j^i$ and $d\tilde{\omega}^i=\tilde{\omega}^j\wedge\tilde{\omega}_j^i$, we get
\tilde{\omega}_2^1 = \omega_2^1 + \frac{(\sqrt{-K})_2}{\sqrt{-K}}\omega^1 – \frac{(\sqrt{-K})_1}{\sqrt{-K}}\omega^2

Take exterior differential

d\tilde{\omega}_2^1 &= d \omega_2^1-\left[\left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_1}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_1+ \left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_2}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_2 \right]\omega^1\wedge \omega^2 \quad \quad \quad \quad (1)

By Cartan structure equation:
$$\Omega_2^1 = d \omega_2^1 = R_{1212}\omega^1 \wedge \omega^2 = K\omega^1 \wedge \omega^2 \quad \quad \quad \quad (2) $$
Similarly, $$\tilde{\Omega}_2^1 = d \tilde{\omega_2^1 }= \tilde{K}\tilde{\omega}^1 \wedge \tilde{\omega}^2 = -K \tilde{K}\omega^1 \wedge \omega^2 \quad \quad \quad \quad (3) $$

Then combine $(1),(2),(3)$:
$$\tilde{K}=-1 + \frac{1}{K}\left[\left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_1}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_1+ \left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_2}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_2 \right]$$

So the problem converts to verify the following PDE of Gaussian curvature $K$ is true:
\frac{1}{K}\left[\left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_1}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_1+ \left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_2}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_2 \right]=2 \quad \quad \quad (4)

Since we haven't really use the fact that $M$ is a minimal surface (except for $K<0$), I guess the above equation follows from $M$ is a minimal surface. But, frankly, I have no idea how to preceed.

So I try to compute a concrete example of minimal surface to get some hints, for example, the helicoid
x(u,v)=(a \sinh(v) \cos(u),a \sinh(v) \sin(u),au)

then my computation shows that $K=-\frac{1}{\cosh^2(v)}$, plug into $\frac{1}{K}\left[\left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_1}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_1+ \left(\frac{(\sqrt{-K})_2}{\sqrt{-K}}\right)_2 \right] = 1$ instead of $2$, so I got puzzled. Is my computation for $\tilde{K}$ having something wrong or the question itself having something wrong. Could you please help me with that? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer


Yes, you're correct that we need to make use of the fact that we're starting with a minimal surface. So we will work with the full moving frames arsenal. Let $e_1,e_2$ be the principal directions, and let the principal curvatures be $\pm k$ with $k>0$. Then we have $$\omega_3^1 = k\omega^1 \quad\text{and}\quad \omega_3^2 = -k\omega^2.$$ When when you make your conformal metric change you have $$\tilde\omega^1 = k\omega^1 = \omega_3^1 \quad\text{and}\quad \tilde\omega^2 = k\omega^2 = -\omega_3^2.$$ Now the rest just follows from the structure equations. We have \begin{CD}\begin{align*} d\tilde\omega^1 &= \tilde\omega^2\wedge\tilde\omega_2^1 \\ @| & \\ d\omega_3^1 &= \omega_3^2\wedge\omega_2^1 = -\tilde\omega^2\wedge\omega_2^1, \end{align*}\end{CD} and similarly for $\tilde\omega^2$. It follows immediately that $\tilde\omega_2^1 = -\omega_2^1$. Thus, $$\tilde K\tilde\omega^1\wedge\tilde\omega^2 = d\tilde\omega_2^1 = -d\omega_2^1 = -K\omega^1\wedge\omega^2,$$ and since $\tilde\omega^1\wedge\tilde\omega^2 = k^2\omega^1\wedge\omega^2 = -K\omega^1\wedge\omega^2$, we conclude that $\tilde K = 1$, as desired.