Minimal polynomial of $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$


I am trying to determine the minimal polynomial of $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ and explain why does it have degree $4$.

I found that the minimal polynomial is $f(x)=x^4-2x^2-1$. It is monic, and $f(\alpha)=0$. It is also irreducible as the only possible roots are $\pm 1$, however, $f(\pm 1)\ne 0$. Now, I am trying to explain why does it have degree $4$, and here is what I got:

  • The degree is not $1$ as $\alpha \notin \mathbb{Q}$.

  • The degree is not $2$ as if it was then $\alpha ^2+b \alpha +c=0$ for some $b,c \in \mathbb{Q}$. Then

$1+\sqrt{2}+(\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}})b+c=0\implies \sqrt{2} (b^2+\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}} b)=c^2+2c-b^2-1$.

The right hand side is in $\mathbb{Q}$, but the left isn’t, which is a contradiction.

I am stuck at showing that the degree is not $3$ though. If it was three then I think that $[\mathbb{Q}(\alpha):\mathbb{Q}]=3$, and this should lead us at a contraction. I am not sure how to show that.

Best Answer

You have $\mathbb{Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) \hookrightarrow\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}})$ : since $[\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{2}) : \mathbb{Q}]=2$, then $[\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}}) : \mathbb{Q}]$ is dividible by $2$, so the minimal polynomial of $\sqrt{1+\sqrt{2}}$ cannot have degree $3$.