Minimal polynomial and characteristic polynomial of $T$

characteristic polynomiallinear algebralinear-transformationsminimal-polynomials

  1. Let 𝑽 be a vector space over the field 𝑭 and 𝑻 be a linear operator
    on 𝑽. Then all eigen values of 𝑻 are zeros of the minimal polynomial of 𝑻.
  2. Minimal polynomial divides the characteristic polynomial.

Qus: If every zero of char. polynomial is a zero of minimal polynomial then how can minimal polynomial divide char. polynomial?

Note- A minimal polynomial $m(x)$ of $T$ is the monic polynomial with least degree s.t $m(T)=O$. Since $m(x)$ is of least degree, then how can it contain every zero of char. polynomial?

Best Answer

For $I_{3\times 3}$, characteristic polynomial is $p(x)=(x-1)^3$ while minimal polynomial is $m(x)=(x-1)$. Both polynomials have zeros at $x=1$ (eigenvalue of $I$), though the only possible difference is in their orders where it may be more for $p(x)$ than that of $m(x)$.