Metrizability of RxR in the dictionary order topology


The question is one in Munkres where we are asked to prove the metrizability of RxR in the dictionary order topology.

My attempts of defining a metric seem to falter at the end. As for example, I have tried the standard bounded metric, usual metric etc…etc., but all of them give us open balls which can't be contained in a basis element of the dictionary order topology of the form (axb, axc), where b<c.

How do i proceed??

Best Answer

HINT: Each vertical $\{x\}\times\Bbb R$ is a clopen subset of $\Bbb R\times\Bbb R$ in this topology, so the space is homeomorphic to $\Bbb R_d\times\Bbb R$, where $\Bbb R_d$ is the real line with the discrete topology, and the second factor has the usual topology. $\Bbb R_d$ and $\Bbb R$ are both metric spaces. The product of two metric spaces is metrizable; do you know how to construct a metric for it from metrics on the factors? If not, or if you get stuck, take a look at the second paragraph of this answer.