Metric on the cone of a compact metric space


It is known that if $X$ is a compact metric space (with bounded metric), then its cone $CX$ (the quotient $X \times [0,1] / X \times \{1\}$) is metrizable.

Is there a way to provide an explicit metric on $CX$ that induces its usual topology? I've been thinking about it but the vertex of the cone seems to be very problematic when dealing with the triangle inequality in a potential metric.

Best Answer

Here is an alternative approach to finding an explicit metric on the cone $CX$.

Let us first assume that $X$ is a subset of a normed linear space $(E, \lVert - \rVert)$ and the metric $d$ on $X$ is given by $d(x,y) = \lVert x - y \rVert$. Define the geometric cone over $X$ as the subset $C'X \subset E' = E \times \mathbb R$ obtained by taking the union all lines segments $L(x) = \{((1-t)x,t) \mid t \in I \} \subset E'$, $x \in X$, connecting $(x,0)$ with $(0,1)$. In other words $$C'X = \{(1-t)x,t) \mid x \in x, t \in I \} .$$ Then $C'X$ is a subset of the normed linear space $(E', \lVert - \rVert')$ where $\lVert (x,t) \rVert' = \lVert x \rVert + \lvert t \rvert$ and therefore inherits a metric $d'$ given by $d'((x,t),(y,s)) = \lVert ((x,t) - (y,s)) \rVert' = \lVert x - y \rVert + \lvert t - s \rvert$.

Now define $$\varphi : X \times I \to C'X, \varphi(x,t) = ((1-t)x,t).$$ This is a continuous map such that $\varphi(X \times \{ 1\}) = \{ (0,1) \}$, hence it induces a continuous $\phi : CX \to C'X$ which is obviously a bijection. If $X$ is compact, then $\phi$ is a homeomorphism. Hence $CX$ can be endowed with the metric $$D([x,t],[(y,s]) = d'(\phi([x,t]),\phi([y,s])) = d'(\varphi(x,t),\varphi(y,s)) \\ = \lVert (1-t)x -(1-s)y \rVert + \lvert t - s \rvert$$ that induces its usual topology.

Now let $(X,d)$ be a metric space with a bounded metric $d$. If $X$ is compact, then $d$ is automatically bounded. Let $C_b(X)$ be the vector space of all continuous bounded maps $f :X \to \mathbb R$ which is endowed with the $\sup$-norm $\lVert f \rVert = \sup_{x\in X} \lvert f(x) \rvert$. It is well-known that $(X,d)$ embeds isometrically into $(C_b(X),\lVert - \rVert)$ via $x \mapsto e(x) = d(x,-) : X \to \mathbb R$. The proof is straightforward. Identifying $X$ with $e(X) \subset C_b(X)$, our above construction yields a geometric cone $C'X$ with metric $d'$. If $X$ is compact, this yields the following metric on $CX$:

$$D([x,t],[y,s]) = \sup_{z \in X} \lvert (1-t)d(x,z) - (1-s)d(y,z) \rvert + \lvert t -s \rvert .$$

This is admittedly less transparent than Eric Wofsey's solution.

Let us close with a remark concerning the geometric cone. If $X$ is not compact, then $C'X$ is not homeomorphic to $CX$. In fact, $CX$ does not have a countable neighborhoood base at its tip whereas $C'X$ is first countable. See my answer to Equivalent definition $\text{Cone}(K)$ which can be generalized to the present case.

Nevertheless, $C'X$ has some essential features attributed to a cone: It is contractible and the inclusion $X \to C'X, x \mapsto (x,0)$, is a cofibration.

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