Methods of determining when Lie algebras are isomorphic


I'm just getting started in Lie algebras (and abstract algebra in general) and I was hoping to get some insight into how people generally determine if two Lie algebras are homo/isomorphic of each other. Are there common tests or logic that you employ? I've done some googling and textbook reading but it would be helpful to get some more base level insights from people with experience.

Best Answer

In general, one can explicitly compute this by solving polynomial equations in the entries of the linear map $f:L\rightarrow L'$ arising from the condition $$ [f(e_i),f(e_j)]_{L'}=f([e_i,e_j]_L) $$ for a basis $(e_1,\ldots ,e_n)$ of $L$, together with the condition $\det(f)\neq 0$. In low dimensions, it is indeed possible to solve such equations. If all obvious invariants are equal and we don't see an obvious isomorphism, then we have to do such a computation.

For example given two $7$-dimensional nilpotent complex Lie algebras $L$ and $L'$ of the same nilpotency class, we usually do not find easy invariants distinguishing them (often the adjoint cohomology $H^p(L,L)$ is a good invariant, but it is also not so easy to compute it). Then we can quickly decide whether or not they are isomorphic by the above computation.