Method of Characteristics: Characteristic Curve Question

characteristicsinitial-value-problemspartial differential equations

I was browsing through some questions on Method of Characteristics and came across a couple solutions involving characteristic curves:
1. Solve Transport Equation using Method of Characteristics
2. Solve the PDE by method of characteristics.

This method involving the "system of characteristic differential equations" is different to the approach I was taught, and it makes a lot more sense.

The method we were told involves writing out a differential for each segment of the PDE, solving it, and applying boundary and/or initial conditions when necessary. It becomes messy and there are terms popping up, I don't really understand it, despite attempting to go through numerous example questions. I decided to study the 2 questions above.

My problem is with the second one, I just cannot understand it.

First family of characteristic curves, from $\quad \frac{dt}{t^2}=\frac{dx}{x^2} \quad\to\quad \frac{1}{t}-\frac{1}{x}=c_1$

My workout led to a different solution:


This allows me to divide both sides by $x^2$. Integrating $t^{-2}$ gives $-t^{-1}+C_1$. My answer is:


Then comes the second bit:

Second family of characteristic curves, from $\quad \frac{dt}{t^2}=\frac{dx}{x^2}= \frac{\frac1tdt+\frac1xdx}{\frac1tt^2+\frac1xx^2} = \frac{\frac1tdt+\frac1xdx}{t+x}=\frac{du}{(t+x)u}$
$\frac1tdt+\frac1xdx=\frac{du}{u} \quad\to\quad \frac{u}{tx}=c_2$

Which I do not understand at all.

I decided to do some algebra, and it seems that the pile comes from this:
Then dividing both sides by $(x+t)$, combining the two fractions, and subsequently equating it with $\frac{du}{(t+x)u}$.

I then tried to solve the equation:


Which gave me some natural logarithmic.
I multiplied both sides by $t+x$, and then integrated both sides:

Edit: I think this is wrong. I cannot integrate the equation with regards to 3 different differentials, right?

Raising this mess as the power of $e$ gets rid of the logs.
And, I am stuck. This looks completely different to the answer, and clearly wrong.

The first issue was likely a typo, since the negative sign was not carried through the calculations.

Any help regarding to the question is greatly appreciated. I tried looking online for material regarding to this approach and did not find anything useful. All the materials I can find does not involve "system of characteristic differential equations" but rather goes straight to various differentials. I think the second step has something to do with separation of variables.


Best Answer

First family: “This allows me to divide both sides by $x^2$.” No, you can't. The variables $x$ and $t$ are not independent, so you can't take $x^2$ outside of the $t$ integral.

What you have is $$dt/t^2= dx/x^2 \iff d(-1/t)=d(-1/x) \iff d(1/t-1/x)=0 \iff 1/t-1/x=c_1.$$

Second family: If $A=B$, then $(tA+xB)/(t+x)=(tA+xA)/(t+x)=A(t+x)/(t+x)=A$ (which also equals $B$). That is, $$ A=B \quad\implies\quad A = B = \frac{tA+xB}{t+x} . $$ The computation starts out by applying this identity with $A=dt/t^2$ and $B=dx/x^2$.

And then you get $$ dt/t + dx/x = du/u \iff d \ln|t| + d \ln|x| = d \ln|u| \iff d \ln|\tfrac{u}{xt}|=0 \iff \tfrac{u}{xt}=c_2 . $$ (If the logarithm of the absolute value of something is constant, then that something itself is constant too.)

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