Method of characteristic curves

characteristicsmathematical physicspartial differential equations

I'm trying to understand the method of characteristic curves, in that purpose I have these two exercises, but i think somwhere i get totaly wrong with this

I need to allocate areas of a constant type of a second-order equation with two independent variables on the plane. Bring it to the canonical form in the specified area
$x\cdot u_{xx} + y\cdot u_{yy} = 0, x<0, y<0$

$\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{u_x}{u_y}, \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = u_{xx}u_y-2u_x u_{xy} +u_{yy}u_x$
$x u_{xx}+yu_{yy}=0 \Rightarrow \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=-\frac{y}{x}$
Let's solve the differential equation defining the characteristic curves
$\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=-\frac{y}{x} \Rightarrow y =c_1 x\cdot cos( ln(-x))+c_2 x \cdot sin( ln(-x))$
We need characteristic curves passing through x<0, y<0. Substitute the boundary conditions $y(0)=c_1=0, y(-1)=0=c_1 cos(ln(-1))$
So $c_1=0$ and $ln(-1)=\pi i$
hence solution is $y=\pm i x$
Substitute the resulting solution into the initial equation
$xu_{xx}+yu_{yy}=xu_{xx}-(\pm i)^2 u =0$
$v=x^{1/2} u$
$v_{xx}=\frac{(\pm i)^2}{x} v=0$

Best Answer

The PDE $$ xu_{xx}+yu_{yy}=0 \tag{1} $$ is elliptic in the region $x<0$, $y<0$. Hence, to write it in canonical form, we need to find a change of variables $(x,y)\mapsto(\xi,\eta)$ such that$^{(*)}$ $$ w_{\xi\xi}+w_{\eta\eta}+aw_{\xi}+bw_{\eta}+cw=d, \tag{2} $$ where $w(\xi,\eta)=u(x,y)$ and $a,b,c$ and $d$ are functions of $\xi$ and $\eta$.

Let's make the simplifying assumption that $\xi=\xi(x)$ and $\eta=\eta(y)$; then, using the chain rule, we find $$ u_{xx}=\xi_x^2w_{\xi\xi}+\xi_{xx}w_{\xi}, \qquad u_{yy}=\eta_y^2w_{\eta\eta}+\eta_{yy}w_{\eta}, \tag{3} $$ so that $(1)$ becomes $$ x(\xi_x^2w_{\xi\xi}+\xi_{xx}w_{\xi})+y(\eta_y^2w_{\eta\eta}+\eta_{yy}w_{\eta})=0. \tag{4} $$ To put $(4)$ in the form $(2)$, we multiply it by $-1$ and choose $\xi$ and $\eta$ such that$^{(\dagger)}$ $\xi_x^2=-\frac{1}{x}$ and $\eta_y^2=-\frac{1}{y}$, or $(\xi,\eta)=(2(-x)^{1/2},2(-y)^{1/2})$; then $(4)$ becomes $$ w_{\xi\xi}+w_{\eta\eta}-\frac{1}{\xi}w_{\xi}-\frac{1}{\eta}w_{\eta}=0. \tag{5} $$

$^{(*)}$See, for instance, Classification of Second Order Linear PDE's and Reduction to Canonical Form, by Steve Pennell.

$^{(\dagger)}$Recall that $x<0$, $y<0$.

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