Means defined by tangent parallel to secant


This question made me aware of the logarithmic mean, which I hadn’t encountered before. I found this derivation quite interesting: The logarithmic mean

L(x,y)=\frac{y-x}{\log y-\log x}

of two distinct positive numbers $x$ and $y$ is the value of $\xi$ at which the tangent to $\log \xi$ is parallel to the secant through $(x,\log x)$ and $(y,\log y)$. I hadn’t realized that in this way, any function can be used to define a mean by solving


for $\xi$. For instance, for $f(\xi)=\xi^2$ we recover the arithmetic mean:

\rightarrow \xi=\frac{x+y}2\;.

Some other obvious candidates yield:

\sqrt\xi&\left(\frac{\sqrt x+\sqrt y}2\right)^2\\
\mathrm e^\xi&\log\frac{\mathrm e^y-\mathrm e^x}{y-x}

That last one is a major disappointment – I was expecting it to yield something nice, perhaps the geometric mean. I haven’t been able to find functions that yield the arithmetic or harmonic mean, or any other generalized mean except for $p=1$ with $f(\xi)=\xi^2$ and $p=\frac12$ with $f(\xi)=\xi^\frac12$ as above. The functional equations that would need to be satisfied, e.g.


for the geometric mean, seem intractable to me.

Wikipedia shows how to compute the Pythagorean means using the logarithmic mean:

\frac{L\left(x^2, y^2\right)}{L(x,y)}&=&\frac{x+y}2\;,\\

but this doesn’t provide any indication how these means might be recovered with the secand method.

My questions are:

  • Which function $f(\xi)$ would yield the geometric mean, the harmonic mean or any other generalized mean?
  • Which functions $f(\xi)$ yield other means that don’t fit into the generalized means scheme but might be of interest?
  • Any other insights you have about the logarithmic mean and the secant method to derive it would also be welcome.

Best Answer

... any function can be used to define a mean by solving $$ f'(\xi)=\frac{f(y)-f(x)}{y-x} $$

In order for the mean to be well-defined, the equation must have a unique solution $\xi$. This is for example satisfied if $f$ is strictly convex or strictly concave, so that the derivative is strictly monotone.

Strict convexity/concavity also guarantees that the mean defined by $f$ is strictly increasing in both arguments.

Which function $f(\xi)$ would yield the geometric mean?

If we restrict the domain to strictly positive real numbers then $f(\xi) = 1/\xi$, $f'(\xi) = -1/\xi^2$ gives the geometric mean: $$ \frac{f(y)-f(x)}{y-x} = - \frac{1}{xy} = f'(\sqrt{xy}) \, . $$

... the harmonic mean ...

There is no strictly convex or strictly concave, differentiable function $f:(0, \infty) \to \Bbb R$ which yields the harmonic mean.

Assume that such a function $f$ exists. Without loss of generality assume that $f$ is strictly convex, otherwise consider $(-f)$ instead.

So we have $$ f'\left( \frac{2xy}{x+y}\right) = \frac{f(y)-f(x)}{y-x} $$ for $0 < x < y$. For $x=1$ and $y > 3$ we get $$ f'(2) \ge f'\left( \frac{2y}{1+y}\right) = \frac{f(y)-f(1)}{y-1} \ge \frac{f(3) + f'(3)(y-3)-f(1)}{y-1} $$ and for $y \to \infty$ it follows that $f'(2) \ge f'(3)$, in contradiction to $f$ being strictly convex.

The same reasoning can be applied to show that there is no strictly convex or strictly concave, differentiable function $f:(0, \infty) \to \Bbb R$ which yields the generalized mean $$ M_p(x, y) = \left( \frac{x^p+y^p}{2}\right)^{1/p} $$ with any $p < 0$, or any mean which remains bounded for fixed $x$ and $y \to \infty$.

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