Meager topological spaces of uncountable size


Hello someone know examples of topological spaces of first category in themselves (meager in itself), that are not countable? Note that the Cantor set is nowhere dense in $\mathbb{R}$ but it is not meager in itself, because it is Baire.


Best Answer

If $\{X_i\}_{i \in I}$ is a family of topological spaces, let $X = \coprod_{i \in I} X_i$ be their coproduct (a.k.a. disjoint union). Then $X$ is meager iff each $X_i$ is meager in itself (iff each $X_i$ is meager as a subset of $X$). This is not hard to prove, using the observation that a subset $Y$ of $X$ is nowhere dense iff its intersection to each $X_i$ is nowhere dense.

It follows from this that for every infinite cardinal $\kappa$, the coproduct $\coprod_{i \in \kappa} \mathbb{Q}$ of $\kappa$ copies of the rational numbers is a meager topological space of cardinality $\kappa$. These spaces are all metrizable, as a coproduct of metrizable spaces is metrizable.