Maximum of N iid random random variables with Gumbel distribution

probabilityprobability distributionsrandom variablesstatistics

I know that the maximum of iid random variables has Gumbel distribution. For example, this is true when iid random variables have Exponential distribution.

Does this hold when iid random variables have Gumbel distribution themselves?

Let's say there are $N$ iid random variables with distribution $X_n\sim Gumbel(\mu, \beta),~n=1,…,N$. What is the distribution of $\text{max}_n~X_n$? If it is also a Gumbel distribution, say $Gumbel(\mu_{\text{max}}, \beta_{\text{max}})$, how are parameters $\mu_{\text{max}}$ and $\beta_{\text{max}}$ related to $\mu$ and $\beta$?

I tried to find an answer in multiple textbooks, but could not find anything.

Best Answer

Does this hold when iid random variables have Gumbel distribution themselves?

Yes, due to the condition "iid".

Without the condition "iid", that's not true. You may consult this question for details.

The CDF of $X_i \sim {\rm Gumbel}(\mu,\beta)$ is $$ F_i(x) = \exp(-\exp((\mu - x)/\beta)).$$ Then the CDF for $Y_n = \max_{i = 1,\dots,n} X_i$ is $$\begin{aligned} F_Y(y) &= \prod_{i=1}^n P(X_i \le y) \\ &= \prod_{i=1}^n F_i(y) \\ &= \exp(-n\exp((\mu-y)/\beta)) \\ &= \exp(-\exp((\mu+\beta \ln n-y)/\beta)) \end{aligned}$$ Therefore, $Y_n \sim {\rm Gumbel}(\mu+\beta\ln n, \beta)$.