Maximum number of members in a club

combinatoricscontest-mathgraph theorylinear algebra

Some people form $n=36$ clubs. There are no two clubs with same set of club members. No two people are in the same set of clubs.

If a person is not in a club, he/she must be friend with one person in that club.

However, nobody is friend with another person in the same club (yes, a weird bunch of people).

What's the maximum possible size of a club in this setup?

This is similar to the odd town/even town problem and the Fisher inequality. I suspect we could approach in a similar linear algebra setup:

Best Answer

There can be at most $2^{n-1} = 2^{35}$ people in any given club $C$. That's because there are $35$ clubs other than $C$, and for every subset of those $35$ clubs (including the empty subset), at most one person can be in exactly those clubs, and also in club $C$.

As pointed out in hinkypunk's answer, we can achieve this bound. Suppose that there are $2^{36}$ people: for every subset of the $36$ clubs, there is a person exactly in those clubs. Furthermore, suppose that every person is friends with only one other person: whoever is in exactly all the clubs they are not in. Then all the conditions in the problem are satisfied, and every club contains the maximum possible amount of $2^{35}$ people.