Maximum matching for general graph

algorithmsgraph theorymatching-theorysearching

I am studying the maximum matching problem and I was trying to understand why the classical augmenting path algorithm does not work for the general graph (i.e. for non bipartite graph) and you must recur to the blossom algorithm.

The explanations that I found (1. here, 2. and here) are based on the fact that the direction that I choose to start exploring an odd loop in the Depth First Search (DFS) could make me miss an augmented path.

But it seems to me that this issue can be solved by considering the same vertex distinct during the DFS if I am entering it through a matched edge or an unmatched one, why isn't this enough?

Best Answer

I posted the question on the computer science sub as well (is that legal?) and ending finding the solution at the end:

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