Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Poisson distribution

log likelihoodmaximum likelihoodpoisson distribution

We have two independent random variables $X$ and $Y$ with $X\sim Poisson(\Phi)$ and $Y\sim Poisson(2\Phi)$, and the observations $x=2$ and $y=4$ of these.

Show that the expression for the log-likelihood function is given by:


I know that the function for Poisson distribution is given by:

Probability mass function: $P(X = k) = \frac{\lambda ^k}{k!}e^{-\lambda}$

Standard Normal Distribution: $Z=\frac{X-\lambda}{\sqrt{\lambda}} $

Log Likelihhod: $ln[f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n;p)]$

But how do I use these to show the proof?

Best Answer

pmf of a poisson $Po(\phi)$ is


but as the likelihood depends on the parameter $\phi$ we can say also that

$$L(\theta)\propto e^{-\phi}\phi^x$$

Thus your likelihood becomes

$$L(\phi)\propto e^{-\phi}\phi^2e^{-2\phi}(2\phi)^4$$

taking its log, after some easy algebraic manipulations you get


This expression is equivalent to the one you are requesting to show as loglikelihoods are equivalent but an additive constant (the expression in your [ ] brackets)

Of course there is an evident typo in your statement: your $-3\log(\phi)$ is evidently $-3\phi$... mine is correct!