Maximal intersecting family of $X = \{1, \ldots, 7\}$


$X = \{1, \ldots, 7\}$. Give an example of an intersecting family $F$ of maximal size

Best Answer

A reasonable try is to take all subsets of size $4$ or greater. Any pair must have nonempty intersection, and we have at least one subset not containing each element of the base set. No set can be added, because a set of size $3$ or less has its complement in the family already and they have empty intersection. This has size $1+7+21+35=64$. To show it is maximal, I would try assuming a set of size $3$, say $\{1,2,3\}$ is in the family and show you can't get a family as large.

Rob Pratt's comment below shows this is maximal because no family can include both a set and its complement, so the maximum size is half the subsets. We have achieved that.

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