Maximal ideals corresponding to points on curve


I was reading up on algebraic geometry and it was stated that if $C$ is a curve in the affine $n$-space $\mathbb{A}^n$? then all prime ideals of $k[C]$, the set of all regular functions on $C$, are maximal ideals corresponding to points in $C$. I know that if $C$ is a curve, then all prime ideals in $k[C]$ are maximal ideals since $k[C]$ is a UFD. I also know that all maximal ideals in $k[\mathbb{A}^n]=k[x_1,\cdots x_n]$ corresponds to points in $k$. However I am unable to see how this is the case for a curve $C$. I can see roughly how this passes on to the case of curves. But how does one show this in a rigorous manner? Any help/hints given would be greatly appreciated! Here we assume $k$ is an algebraically closed field.

Best Answer

This is true only for an algebraically closed field. The reason for the assertion is that $k[C] $ is a quotient of some $k[\mathbf A^n]$, hence its spectrum corresponds to the Zariski-closed set $V(I)$ in $k[X_1,\dots,X_n]$, where $I$ is the ideal of polynomials which vanish on $C$ .

In this correspondence, maximal ideals correspond to maximal ideals (by the $3^{\textit{rd}}$ isomorphism theorem).

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