Maximal ideal in noetherian local ring


Given a noetherian domain $A$ of dimension 1, I know that $A/p$ is a noetherian local domain of dimension 1 for any non-zero prime ideal $p$. But what is the maximal ideal of $A/p$?

Best Answer

The statement is wrong. Consider for example the integers, then $\dim(\mathbb{Z})=1$ and it is noetherian as it is a PID but for any prime number we have that $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ is a field, thus has dimension zero with the only prime ideal $(0)$. Your problem here is that when factoring out a nonzero prime ideal your dimension reduces, in this case by one as any nonzero prime ideal in a domain of dimension one has height one. So you always end up with a field where the maximal ideal is just $(0)$.