Matrix with the same value in all entries — which notation to use


Pretty trivial but for a matrix


with $N\times N $, is there is simpler notation. I had $A=[x_{i,j}]\in \Bbb R^{N\times N}$ in my mind, but I can't find anywhere were it is used

Edit: I forgot to mention but, I need to work with the elements in the matrix, so like doing scalar multiplication (to do a proof by the principle of mathematical induction question). But it a $3\times 3$ so I figured out I do have to write every single element 9 times in a row. Is there any notation that can make my math simpler?

Best Answer

Assuming that $x \neq 0$, it's a rank-$1$ matrix. Thus, to emphasize its rank-$1$-ness, I would use

$$\color{blue}{x \,{\Bbb 1}_n {\Bbb 1}_n^\top}$$

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