Matrix of an affine transformation

affine-geometrylinear algebramatrices

Let $p_0,p_1,p_2,p_3$ the vertices of a tetrahedron in $R^3$ and $f$
the affine transformation such that $$f(p_0)=p_1 \hspace{3ex}
f(p_1)=p_2 \hspace{3ex} f(p_2)=p_3 \hspace{3ex} f(p_3)=p_0$$

Find the matrix of $f$ with $p_0 $ as origin and
as basis.

My work




\end{array}\right) $$

So the matrix is
\end{array}\right) $$

Question: Is my work correct? How can I find the $f(p_0) $coordinates?

Best Answer

You wrote:


but this is mistaken; I think it should be


You ask "how do I find the $f(p_0)$ coordinates?"

I'm not sure exactly how your text/teacher is expressing affine xforms as matrices, so I don't know how to fill in the first column, but you do know that $f(p_0) = p_1$, so you can write $$ f(p_0) = p_1 = p_0 + (p_1 - p_0) = p_0 + b_1 $$ where $b_1$ is the first element of your basis. That makes me suspect that your matrix should be something like $$ \left(\begin{array}{cccc} 1&0&0&0\\ \color{red}1&0&0&-1\\ \color{red}0&1&0&-1\\ \color{red}0&0&1&-1\\ \end{array}\right) $$