Linear Algebra – How to Diagonalize Matrices That Commute with Their Transpose

diagonalizationlinear algebra

Well, basically the title already captures my question. Given any matrix $M\in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ that satisfies $MM^T=M^TM$ one can follow that M is already diagonalizable. Here I mean the transpose of a matrix not the conjugate transpose. The argument for normal matrices is not that difficult but i dont know how to adapt it to this problem. Any help is apprechiated.

Best Answer

You cannot prove it because it is false. Consider $v=(1,i)^T$ and $M=vv^T$. Since $M$ is symmetric, we of course have $MM^T=M^TM$. However, as $v^Tv=0$, $M$ is a nonzero nilpotent matrix. Hence it is not diagonalisable.