$\mathrm{rank}(M)=\mathrm{rank}(M^2)$ whenever $M$ is skew-symmetric

linear algebramatricesmatrix-rank

On p.231 of Linear Algebra by Greub, it is stated that a real skew-symmetric matrix has the same rank as its square, i.e.,

$\mathrm{rank}(M)=\mathrm{rank}(M^2)$ whenever $M$ is real skew-symmetric.

I tried to use the fact that skew-symmetric matrix is normal and some geometric properties of normal matrices, but cannot proceed.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Since it is normal, it is diagonalizable. And it is easy to see that, for a diagonal matrix $D$, $\operatorname{rank}(D)=\operatorname{rank}(D^2)$.