Mathematics of Finance


If you invest a dollar at “6% interest compounded monthly,” it amounts to $1.005^n$
dollars after $n$ months. If you invest 10 dollars at the beginning of each month for 10 years (120 months), how much will you have at the end of the 10 years? I know the answer is $1646.99 but do not know how to get this answer using the compound interest formula. Please explain.

Best Answer

Your first deposit compounds for 120 months. The second for 119 months. Your last deposit for 1 month.

The future value of 120 deposits.

$10(1.005)^{120} + 10(1.005)^{119} + \cdots + 10(1.005)$


$\sum_{n=1}^{120} 10(1.005)^n$

This is the sum of a geometric progression.

$\sum_{n=1}^{m} y^n = \frac {y(y^m-1)}{y-1}$

to find this formula multiply by $\frac {1-y}{1-y}$

$\frac {1}{1-y}(1-y)(y+y^2 + y^3 + \cdots + y^m) = \frac {1}{1-y} (y - y^2 + y^2 -y^3 + y^3-y^4 + \cdots - y^{m+1})$

The expression "telescopes" leaving:

$\frac {1}{1-y} (y - y^{m+1})$ which equals the formula above.

plugging the numbers for this problem.

$10\frac {1.005(1.005^{120} - 1)}{0.005}$