Mathematical symbol to show one mathematical structure represents another

discrete mathematicsnotation

Is there a particular symbol that can be used to show that one mathematical structure is a representation of another?

For example, I want to state that the relation $R$ is represented by the connection matrix $M_{R}$. Is there a symbol I can use to communicate this in a concise manner? For instance, if the symbol were #, then I would say $R$ # $M_{R}$. Or does it simply suffice to say $R = M_{R}$ or $R \Leftrightarrow M_{R}$, although I don't think these statements are completely accurate.

Best Answer

The short answer is no: there is no standard symbol for this.

The long answer is that you could use a symbol (such as $M_R \sim R$ as suggested by Torsten in the comments), or introduce some other kind of notation such as $[R] = M_R$, but if you wanted to do this then it would be a good idea to specify explicitly what the notation means. For example:

In what follows, we will write $M \sim R$ to denote the assertion that the relation $R$ is represented by the connection matrix $M$.

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