Mathematical proof regarding circular permutations


The question here is in how many ways can $n$ people stand in order to form a ring.

Now I understand the concept behind it. I have understood it like this:

$n$ people can be arranged in $n!$ ways. Now in each ring, if the ring is broken from a unique point and is straightened to form a row, it would give rise to a unique permutation of $n$ people.

Since each ring consists of $n$ people, it would give rise to $n$ different permutations which in turn means that there are $n$ distinct permutations corresponding to any single ring.

$\therefore $ The number of ways in which a ring can be formed by $n$ people is $\dfrac{n!}{n}=(n-1)!$

Now what I feel is that this explanation is not sufficiently rigorous mathematically. Please help in providing a proper mathematical explanation for it.

I'm sorry if the question is very basic but please help.


Best Answer

I would say this (not very different from your justification): suppose you enumerate the $n$ people from a specific person, whatever its position on the ring. Two different arrangements then correspond exactly to two different permutations of the $n-1$ remaining people. Hence there are $(n-1)!$ such arrangements.