$ \mathcal{F}_n = \sigma(\{0\},\{1\},\{2\}, \dots , \{n\})$ showing $\cup_{n\geq0} \mathcal{F}_n $ is not a sigma algebra, do not understand.


Isn't this countable union equal to the sigma algebra generated by the singletons of the natural numbers, which is the class of subsets of the natural numbers where the set is either or countable or its complement is countable. And we know that this class IS a sigma algebra.

So isn't saying this isn't a sigma algebra a contradiction.

Best Answer

$$\mathcal F =\bigcup_{n\ge 0} \mathcal F_n$$ isn’t closed under countable union.

For example, all the singletons $A_n = \{n^2\}$ belong to $\mathcal F$. However, the countable union $\cup_n A_n = \{n^2: n \in \mathbb N\}$ does not belong to $\mathcal F$ as it belongs to none of the $\mathcal F_n$.

$$\mathcal F \neq \sigma(\{0\}, \{1\}, \dots )$$

Note: you don't want to use the singletons $A_n = \{n\}$ to create your counterexample because $\cup_n A_n = \mathbb N$ belongs to all of the $\mathcal F_n$ (a sigma algebra over a set $X$ always contains the empty set and $X$)

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