Abstract Algebra – Zorn’s Lemma in Abstract Algebra


It is well known that Zorn's lemma implies:

Prop.1 Every commutative unital ring has a maximal ideal.

Prop.2 Every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal in a unital ring.

Question: Can we prove the above propositions without Zorn's lemma?

Best Answer

"Every unital ring (other than the trivial ring) has maximal ideals" is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice (and hence to Zorn's Lemma) in ZF. So one cannot prove it without Zorn's Lemma or some equivalent statement.

"In a unital ring $R$, every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal" follows from the first proposition by taking the quotient $R/I$ and lifting a maximal ideal using the lattice isomorphism theorem. Conversely, if in a unital ring every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal, then every unital ring has maximal ideals: just find a maximal ideal that contains the zero ideal. So this proposition is equivalent to the first, and hence cannot be proven without Zorn's Lemma or some equivalent statement.

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