[Math] Zero’s of non trivial solution of an second order ordinary differential equation

ordinary differential equations

What can we say about the zero's of any non-trivial solution of the linear differential equation$$y^{''}+q(x)y=0$$ (where $q(x)$ is positive monotonically increasing continuous function of $x$). Can we say that it must have infinitely many zeros in $\mathbb{R}?$ For example $y^{''}+y=0$ has $sin(x)$ as a non trivial solution, which has infinitely many zero's. Please help me to prove the general result about infinitely many zero's. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Let $0<c\le\sqrt{q(x)}$. The infinitesimal angle increment of the complexified phase vector $y'+icy$ is the imaginary part of $$ \frac{d}{dt}Ln(y'+icy)=\frac{y''+icy'}{y'+icy}=\frac{(-qy+icy')(y'-icy)}{y'^2+c^2y^2} \\ =\frac{-(q-c^2)yy'+ic(y'^2+qy^2)}{y'^2+c^2y^2} $$ Thus the angular velocity around the origin is $$ c+\frac{q-c^2}{y'^2+c^2y^2}cy^2\ge c, $$ so there are infinitely many revolutions around the origin, each with time smaller $\frac{2\pi}c$, and each revolution gives two zeros of $y$.

Or, to state compatibility with the Sturm–Picone comparison theorem (where the second equation is $y''+c^2y=0$), each interval of length $\frac{\pi}c$ contains at least a half-revolution and thus at least one zero of $y$.

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