[Math] Zeros of analytic function accumulating to the boundary


By $\mathbb D$ denote the open unit disc in $\mathbb C$. Suppose that $f : \overline{\mathbb D}\to\mathbb C$ is analytic on $\mathbb D$ and continuous on $\overline{\mathbb D}$. Assume now that there are infinitely many distinct points $z_n\in\mathbb D$ which accumulate to the boundary of $\mathbb D$ such that $f(z_n) = 0$ for all $n\in\mathbb N$. Does it then follow that $f\equiv 0$?

The point is, we cannot make use of the usual identity theorem because the accumulation point of the zeros is not in $\mathbb D$. So, is there any "improvement" of that theorem covering the above case?

Best Answer

Let $f(z)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}a_nz^n$ be the series expansion of $f$ at zero, and suppose that this series has radius of convergence $R$. Then it's a general fact about holomorphic functions that $f$ must have a singularity on the circle $|z|=R$ (for a proof, see Big Rudin Chapter 16).

Since by assumption $f$ is continuous on $|z|=1$, this means that $R>1$, so we can still apply the identity theorem to conclude that $f\equiv 0$.

Edit: It appears I mis-remembered Rudin's definition of singularity here. He defines a singular point to be a boundary point which does not admit an analytic continuation. So just continuity on the boundary is not enough for my argument above.

For a construction relevant to your question, see this answer: Zeros of a holomorphic function on the boundary of a closed region