[Math] zeroes of holomorphic function


I know that zeroes of holomorphic functions are isolated,and I know that if a holomorphic function has zero set whic has a limit point then it is identically zero function,i know a holomorphic function can have countable zero set, does there exixt a holomorphic function which is not identically zero, and has uncountable number of zeroes?

Best Answer

As others have said, it comes down to the nonexistence of an uncountable discrete subset $Z$ of an open subset $U$ of the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. The point of this answer is to record a proof of this that I find simplest. Namely, the space $\mathbb{C}$ is second countable: there is a countable base for the topology (take, e.g., open balls with rational radii centered at points $x+yi$ with $x,y \in \mathbb{Q})$). But every subspace of a second countable space is second countable: just restrict a countable base to the subspace. In particular $U$ is second countable and so is the putative uncountable discrete subset $Z$ of $U$. But this is absurd: since the only base of a discrete space consists of all the singleton sets, an uncountable discrete space is not second-countable!