Linear Algebra – Zero Vector of a Vector Space

axiomslinear algebravector-spaces

I know that every vector space needs to contain a zero vector. But all the vector spaces I've seen have the zero vector actually being zero (e.g. $\mathbf{0}=\langle0,0,\ldots,0\rangle$). Can't the "zero vector" not involve zero, as long as it acts as the additive identity? If that's the case then are there any graphical representations of a vector space that does not contain the origin?

Best Answer

Here's an example. Let $V$ be the set of all $n$-tuples of strictly positive numbers $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ satisfying $x_1+\cdots+x_n=1$. Define "addition" of such vectors by

$$ (x_1,\ldots,x_n) \mathbin{\text{“}{+}\text{''}} (y_1,\ldots,y_n) = \frac{(x_1 y_1,\ldots,x_n y_n)}{x_1 y_1 + \cdots + x_n y_n }. $$

This is a vector space whose zero element is $$ \left( \frac 1 n , \ldots, \frac 1 n \right). $$ The additive inverse of $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ is $$ \frac{\left( \dfrac 1 {x_1}, \ldots, \dfrac 1 {x_n} \right)}{\dfrac 1 {x_a} + \cdots + \dfrac 1 {x_n}}. $$ This operation is involved in a basic identity on conditional probabilities: $$ (\Pr(A_1),\ldots,\Pr(A_n)) \mathbin{\text{“}{+}\text{''}} k\cdot(\Pr(D\mid A_1),\ldots,\Pr(D\mid A_n)) = (\Pr(A_1\mid D),\ldots,\Pr(A_n\mid D)) $$ where $k$ is whatever it takes to make the sum of the entries $1$. However, in practice, one wouldn't bother with $k$; just multiply term by term and then normalize.

Here's a more down-to-earth example. Look at $\mathbb R^3$ and say you want to put the zero point at $\vec p = (2,3,7)$. Then define "addition" as follows: $$ \vec a \mathbin{\text{“}{+}\text{''}} \vec b = \underbrace{\vec p + (\vec a - \vec p) + (\vec b - \vec p)}_{\begin{smallmatrix} \text{These are the usual} \\ \text{addition and subtraction.} \end{smallmatrix}}. $$