[Math] Zero Sectional Curvature implies exp is a local isometry


Im studying DoCarmo's book Riemannian Geometry, the first problem of the chapter 5 (Jacobi Fields) states that

If $(M,g)$ is a riemannian manifold with sectional curvature identically zero, show that for every $p \in M$, $exp_p: B_\varepsilon(0) \subseteq T_pM \rightarrow B_\varepsilon(p)$ is an isometry.

I do not figure out how to relate Jacobi Fields with this question in particular, I appreciate any hint.

(PD this is not a homework, Im studying Riemannian geometry for my own just for research purposes)

Best Answer

Here's another possible way.

Let $v\in B_\epsilon(0)$ and $w\in T_v(T_pM)\cong T_pM$. Consider the variation of geodesics given by \begin{equation*} \gamma_s(t)=\exp_p\bigl(t(v+sw)\bigr) \end{equation*} It follows that \begin{equation*} J(t)=\frac{\partial\gamma_s}{\partial s}\biggr|_{s=0}=(d\exp_p)(tw) \end{equation*} is a Jacobi field along $\gamma_0$. Since sectional curvature is identically zero, $J$ satisfies the following PDE \begin{equation*} \frac{\partial^2J}{\partial t^2}=0 \end{equation*} Let $\{e_i\}$ be an orthnormal basis for $T_pM$ and extend it to a parallel frame along $\gamma_0$ such that $e_i(0)=e_i$. In terms of the frame, $J(t)=a^i(t)e_i(t)$ and $w=w^ie_i$. Solving the above equation, we have $J(t)=(w^it)e_i(t)$, so that \begin{equation*} w^ie_i(1)=(d\exp_p)(w) \end{equation*} Following the same argument, if $u\in T_v(T_pM)\cong T_pM$ and $u=u^ie_i$, then \begin{equation*} u^ie_i(1)=(d\exp_p)(u) \end{equation*} Therefore, \begin{align*} \langle(d\exp_p)(w),(d\exp_p)(u)\rangle &=w^iu^j\langle e_i(1),e_j(1)\rangle\\ &=w^iu^j\langle e_i,e_j\rangle\\ &=\langle w,u\rangle, \end{align*} proving that $\exp_p\colon B_\epsilon(0)\to B_\epsilon(p)$ is an isometry. Note that we used the fact that $\langle e_i(t),e_j(t)\rangle$ is indepdent of $t$.

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