[Math] Y-Axis units on FFT graph

computer sciencediscrete mathematicsfourier analysisfourier seriespower series

A 50Hz sinusoid wave with a voltage range of +/-20V is sampled at 512Hz for 1 second. No bias or phase shift are present. The signal is run through an FFT. The result is one spike at 50Hz on the frequency domain with power of $226.274$.

My question is, how do we get from an amplitude of +/-20V on the voltage-time graph to an amplitude of $226.274$ on the FFT graph. I know the formula $|F(w)|^2=(x^2+y^2)/N$ applies in this situation, but what are the variables? Please keep answers simple, any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

I'm not sure how you got that power (amplitude?) value. If I do the same in Matlab/Octave then I get exactly the expected amplitude of $NA/2=5120$, where $N=512$ is the FFT length and $A=20$ is the amplitude of the signal:


ans =  5120.0

Note that for a real-valued sinusoidal signal (with a frequency that lies exactly on the FFT grid), you always get two peaks, each with amplitude $NA/2$. This is a result of the following property of the DFT for real-valued signals:


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