[Math] $x^x$ graph – what does it look like


Out of curiosity, what does the $x^x$ graph look like?

I physically cannot picture it when $x < 0$. Does such a thing exist or do we only define the domain to be $x > 0$ where it's just a usual steep exponential?

Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

The function $f(x)=x^x$ usually isn't defined for $x<0$. Notice, for example, that


and square roots of negative numbers generally isn't a good thing when you are graphing.

Just for your curiosity, the graph may be found on desmos and for convenience, it is also below:

enter image description here

For $x<0$, one may, if persistent, have complex numbers, and the graph is given by WolframAlpha. Below is a snippet:

enter image description here

For more interesting graphs, you could modify the input, like here.

WolframAlpha may even draw some 3D graphs as you asked for:

enter image description here

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