[Math] Writing square root of square-free numbers as sum of square roots.


Some days ago i came across a question about writing $\sqrt {2001}$ as sum of two other square roots. I managed to prove that this is not possible unless one of them is zero and the other one is $2001$.

The proof was as following: $\sqrt{2001}=\sqrt a+\sqrt b$, $\sqrt{2001}-\sqrt a=\sqrt b$ so $2001+a-2\sqrt{2001a}=b$. This shows that $2\sqrt{2001a}$ is an integer so $2001*a$ is a perfect square.
We also know that $2001=3*23*29$ which is a square-free number. so $a$ must divide all of $3,23,29$ which means $a\geq2001$ so$\sqrt a\geq\sqrt{2001}$ and $\sqrt{b}\leq 0$ which means $b=0$.

With exact method we can prove that $\sqrt{s}=\sqrt a+\sqrt b$ does not have any natural solutions with $s$ being a square-free number. Then I tried to generalize the proof for $3$ or more square roots but i failed. The only thing I always get is $\sqrt {ab}+\sqrt {bc}+\sqrt {ac}$ is an integer which does not help at all.
For what numbers can we write the square root of a square-free number as sum of three or more non-zero square roots? I would appreciate any help.

Best Answer

Lemma 1. If $m$ is a positive integer and $\sqrt m$ is rational, then $\sqrt m$ is an integer.

Proof. Easy.

Lemma 2. If $m,n$ are positive integers and $\sqrt m+\sqrt n$ is rational, then both $\sqrt m$ and $\sqrt n$ are integers.

Proof. Say $\sqrt m+\sqrt n=x\in\Bbb Q$. Then $$\sqrt m-\sqrt n=\frac{m-n}{x}$$ is rational and so is $$\sqrt m=\frac{(\sqrt m+\sqrt n)+(\sqrt m-\sqrt n)}{2}\ ,$$ and likewise $\sqrt n\,$. By lemma 1, $\sqrt m$ and $\sqrt n$ are integers.

Now suppose that $$\sqrt a+\sqrt b+\sqrt c=\sqrt s\ ,$$ where $a,b,c,s$ are positive integers and $s$ is squarefree. Squaring and rearranging, $$2\bigl(\sqrt{ab}+\sqrt{bc}+\sqrt{ca}\bigl)=s-a-b-c\ .$$ Now add to this equation the identity $2\sqrt a\sqrt a=2a$ and factorise to obtain $$2\sqrt{bc}+2\sqrt{as}=s+a-b-c\ .$$ By lemma 2, we see that $\sqrt{as}$ is an integer; since $s$ is squarefree, $a$ must be a square times $s$, say $a=p^2s$. Similarly $b=q^2s$ and $c=r^2s$, so $$p\sqrt s+q\sqrt s+r\sqrt s=\sqrt s\ ,$$ but as $p+q+r>1$, this is impossible.

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