[Math] Work of Ted Kaczynski


I hope this question is not too crazy sounding, but I was wondering if anyone is familiar with the work of Ted Kaczynski (or even has cited/used it before).
After reading in Lars Ahlfors' Complex Analysis and Serge Lang's book by the same name, I became interested in some of the historic results in complex analysis.

I know that Kaczynski did work in the field of complex analysis and specifically geometric function theory. From what I have gathered, he was actually rather brilliant as a research mathematician. What in specific did he research and how are his results used today? (If at all).

Again, I do not want to know about his political views or his history as the Unabomber. I am only interested in the utility of his mathematics.

Best Answer

T. Kaczynski has published 6 papers in 4 years (1965-69) which can be considered as a good beginning of a promising career. According to Mathscinet database, one of his papers was cited 4 times (2 of them by himself), and three were cited one time each (two by himself). Mathscinet does not count all citations but most of them.

I am somewhat familiar with the subject of his work. I would not call it "brilliant", but qualify it as average PhD graduating from a good university.

Remark. That two well known serial killers among mathematicians were both doing complex variables, is a coincidence, on my opinion:-) (The other one was Andre Bloch who was a really brilliant mathematician, but unfortunately, insane.)

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