[Math] Work done moving a particle in a force field


Find the work done moving a particle in the force field:

F = $x^2i + xyj + z^2k$

Along the straight line from $(0,0,0)$ to $(2,1,2)$

I've attempted the question by parameterising the line using the method:

$(1-t)(0,0,0) + t(2,1,2)$ = $(2t,t,2t)$

Is this where I am going wrong?

The part I struggle with in these types of questions is always the parameterisation.

Best Answer

I think you are doing just fine. So you want to integrate from $t=0$ which corresponds to the origin to $t = 1$ which corresponds to the endpoint using the standard definition of work done i.e find $dr$, find the dot product betwen $F$ and $dr$, substitute the parametric form to each variable and integrate.