[Math] Word problem , Design a rectangular milk carton box


This is the problem:
Design a rectangular milk carton box of width w, length l, and height h which holds 520 $cm^3$ of milk. The sides of the box cost 2 $cent/cm^2$ and the top and bottom cost 3 $cent/cm^2$. Find the dimensions of the box that minimize the total cost of materials used.

My approach was to do:

then that $b=h$ where($b$ is base and $h$ is height)

And, so $l(b^2)=520$ $\rightarrow $ $l=520/b^2$ (where $l$ is length)
then substitute into

Surface Area=$2(2lb+b^2)$ $\rightarrow $ $4(520/b^2)(b)+2b^2$

$2080/b +2b^2$ $\rightarrow $ take the derivative of this to get

$-2080/b^2 +4b$ and then

$4b=2080b^2$ and so $b^3=520$

Then plug that in to get $l$ as $l=520/(8.0414^2)$

But this is wrong, and I need someone to tell me how to approach it the right way.

Best Answer

You have a cost function. Letting dimension of the box be $x \times y \times z$ such that the top and bottom have area $xy$, we have cost in cents given by $$C(x,y,z) = 2 (2xz + 2yz) + 3 (2xy)$$

You also have a constraint, the volume:

$$V(x,y,z) = xyz = 520$$

This problem hints at using the technique of Lagrange multipliers, which often arises in multivariable calculus course. To progress, you'll need to solve

$$\nabla C(x,y,z) = \lambda \nabla V(x,y,z) $$

under the constraint. You should find certain $\lambda$ that will lead to a set of $\{x,y,z\}$ to subtitute back into $C$, producing possible extremas.

As a solution to the system of equations created by the last step, I get

$$x = 2(\frac{130}{3})^{1/3}$$ $$y=x$$ $$z=\frac{3}{2}x$$

which when plugged into $C$ gives

$$C_{min} = 888.275 \mathtt{ cents}$$

This matches the answer given by Wolfram Alpha.