[Math] Word for the number being added-to OR subtracted-from another number


I first asked this on english.stackexchange.com, but this site would probably be a better-suited to answer it:

In division, we have a dividend and a divisor.

According to this page, we also have

  • minuend and subtrahend
  • augend and addend
  • multiplicand and multiplier

which are rarely used because order doesn't matter for those

Is there a term for the "second" number in any arithmetic operation?
It would be a word that could mean "subtrahend," or "addend," or
"multiplier" interchangeably. Something like

The English folks have suggested "second operand," "secondary," and as fallbacks "parameter" and "argument." "Second operand" is the most correct but I was wondering if there is a single term that covers all of these "-end" words.

Best Answer

Funnily enough, a commonly used term is "term." So for example "Consider the second term of the following equation."

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