[Math] Why we need Invertible Matrices


In linear algebra, an n-by-n square matrix A is called invertible (also nonsingular or non degenerate) if there exists an n-by-n square matrix B such that

$$A B = B A=I_n$$

I know the definition. But what are the practical applications of of invertible matrix.

Best Answer

The first practical application that comes to mind should be handling of matrix equations and solving of a system of linear equations, see here. If you have an equation of the form $$Ax=y$$ with $A\in\mathbb R^{n\times n},x,y\in\mathbb R^{n\times 1}$ and you know that $A$ is invertible, you can find the solution via multiplication: $$Ax=y \iff A^{-1}Ax=A^{-1}y \iff I_nx=A^{-1}y \iff x=A^{-1}y.$$

But this only deals with one application, there is much more theory to matrices to discover e.g. in linear algebra. Assume we have $\mathcal V$ and $\mathcal W$ finite-dimensional vector spaces over the same field $F$, then every linear map from $\mathcal V$ to $\mathcal W$ can be represented by a matrix $A\in F^{m\times n}$ with $\dim(\mathcal V)=n$ and $\dim(\mathcal W)=m$.

Now let $\dim(\mathcal V)=\dim(\mathcal W)$, then we have a matrix $A\in F^{n\times n}$. If we know that $A$ is invertible, we immediately know that the corresponding linear map $\varphi: \mathcal V\rightarrow\mathcal W$ is bijective and we also know that the corresponding linear map to $A^{-1}$ is $\varphi^{-1}$. Using some properties of a linear map we also know that e.g. $0$ is not an eigenvalue of $\varphi$ nor $\varphi^{-1}$ etc. So just by having $A$ invertible we know lots of things about the corresponding linear map.