[Math] Why was poisson distribution introduced

binomial distributionpoisson distributionstatistics

I am studying probabilites and the notion of poisson random variable was introduced in the class. But it seems to me that the introduction of poisson random variable is to provide a easy approximation of the binomial random variable conditioned that n is large and p is small. Besides, the preconditions in the poisson distribution that events are independent of each other seem to come from the fact that binomial random variable is composed by many independent bernouli variables.

So I wonder if originally, poisson distribution was invented to model binomial distribution or was it invented to solve a particular kind of problem

Best Answer

The history of Poisson distribution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution#History shows that Siméon Denis Poisson introduced the distribution when discussing wrongful convictions of prisoners in a given country by focusing on certain random variables that count the number of discrete occurrences of that take place during a time interval of a given length.

It has since been used for reliability engineering.

To your point, it seems it was generally introduced as a way to model a specific phenomenon but was then applied to solve applications years later.