[Math] Why unit open ball is open in norm topology, but not open in weak topology


Why unit open ball is open in norm topology, but not open in weak topology? I will be grateful for any explanation.

Edit: Obviously in infnite dimensional spaces.

Best Answer

Consider $E$ a normed space. Let $U$ be the unitary ball. By contradiction, suppose that the interior of the unitary ball is not empty. Note that $0$ is in $U$. Thus we can construct a neighborhood around $0$. $$N_{\varepsilon;0}=\{x\in E; |f_i(x)|<\varepsilon;f_1,\ldots,f_n\in E^*,\varepsilon>0 \},$$ with $0\in N\subset U$.

$\textbf{Statement}: $ There exists $y\neq0$ such that $y\in\displaystyle\bigcap_{i=1}^n Ker(f_i)$.

If this don't occurs we have that the linear map $$T:E\to\mathbb{R}^n$$ $$T(x)=(f_1(x),\ldots,f_n(x))$$ is injective, thus $\dim(E)<\infty$, contradiction.

Hence, we have that the line $ty\in N,\forall t\in\mathbb{R}$, because $$|f(ty)|=|tf(y)|=0<\varepsilon.$$ But if we make $t$ sufficiently big then $ty\notin U$, thus the interior should be empty.