[Math] Why the plane isn’t universal covering space of $\mathbb RP^2$


We've recently learnt about covering spaces in my university topology class , and universal covering spaces. I'm finding it hard to understand why for example the mobius strip and the Klein bottle both have the plane as a universal covering space but $\mathbb {RP^2}$ has the sphere.

I'm aware that $\mathbb {RP^2}$ can be defined as the antipodal points on $S^2$ but also that it is the quotient of the square, the same as the Mobius strip and Klein bottle, so why wouldnot it have the same covering space as them?

Best Answer

Here is why the plane $\mathbb R^2$ is not a covering of $\mathbb {RP}^2$, and thus even less a universal covering. Consider the univeral covering map $$p:S^2\to \mathbb {RP}^2:(x,y,z)\mapsto [x,y,z]=(x,y,z)/\pm Id$$ If there existed a covering map $f:\mathbb R^2\to \mathbb {RP}^2$, by simple connectedness of $S^2$ the map $p$ could be lifted to a covering map $P:S^2\to \mathbb R^2$ satisfying $p=f\circ P$.
But then the image $P(S^2)\subset \mathbb R^2$ would be bounded by compacity of $S^2$ and thus $P$ would certainly not be surjective.
This however is a contradiction: the covering map $P:S^2\to \mathbb R^2$ must, like all covering maps with connected codomain, be surjective.